The Early Jay Gets the Heel

When I let my little chihauhau out this morning, it was 6F. I had to carry her out, because her foot pads can't take the cold...her cutoff point being about 15F.

I didn't want to, but I refilled my suet feeder, and took out a plate of wheat bread and peanuts. Before I could even get back upstairs, and get out my camera, the bread and peanuts were gone. I had to go reload it.

While I really enjoy the colors of the blue jay, why do they have to be such piggies? They can't just take one peanut...they have to take three. Did they miss the class on how to share? Plus, they have to chase away the other birds.

Trying to talk myself into going out. It is now up to 13F...a real heat wave.

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