
By scribbler

New Priest

Mary Anne, ordained today to the Sacred Order of Priests at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Last year you got to meet her as a new deacon.

The cathedral was packed.
There were three ordinands and lots of priests and deacons.
'St. Patrick's Breastplate' was sung.
(I told Mary Anne she wouldn't be a 'real priest' without this!)
The bishop placed his hands upon her head and spoke these words:
Therefore, Father, through Jesus Christ your Son, give your Holy Spirit to Mary Anne; fill her with grace and power, and make her a priest in your Church.

All of these images were taken after the ordination.
L., the new priest greets one of her fans.
Above, R., she is hugged by the Bishop of Oregon.
Below, R., she prays for a member of the congregation.
(It's traditional to ask a blessing of the new priest.
Did I get mine? You betcha.)


Gazillion thanks for all your visits and comments.
I so appreciate your cutting me some slack.
I am woefully behind on blip duties.
But I've been doing lots of scribbling! More than a thousand words a day.
First Things First.
I'm really happy with the progress I'm making.
And I have a new priest praying for me. ;-)

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