
Sometimes you are just trotting along and suddenly a picture pops up right before your eyes and sometimes you have to put a bit of work into the process. AND so it was this morning as The Boss had popped out to deliver something and decided to go for drivies on the outskirts of town and fell over this image. Errr.... well he actually fell over the fence he was climbing over while trying not to get noticed by a bloke driving a tractor in the adjacent vineyard and keeping his camera away from the barbed wire bits. Following this performance he then became even more visible by walking up and down the side of the water finding the best composition but he did get back over the fence (at a different spot) without any further complications and was very pleased that the fence didn’t have one of those top wires with plastic insulators which may have required a dog sniff test. I was pleased too.

Town is returning to a less frenetic condition and he even went to the supermarket this morning at a more acceptable hour and had a leisurely shop.

The sheep (wether) has been amazing and we have had "the lot" at various times with the only constant being wind but I did get a walk between showers so all is well and it is sunny now.

L for larger

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