worm farm..

...but not your average worm farm.

This is Les and one of his many projects and products, this one on view at the Sunday market.
The Pooch and Kitty-Loo Worm Farm Wheelie Bin (maybe not the snappiest name) is devised to use compost worms for recycling pet waste, turning the output into worm castings and juice for ornamental gardens.
The bins are sized for dog size and weight (Astro would be the yellow bin!) and the teeny one would be for your average moggie.

Great idea..if a little scary.
However, having said that Kev McC (as of Grand Designs) used big cat poo as a heat source for his Man's House hot water and spa, and the Perth Zoo sold bags of zoo poo and one stage too.

for more have a look at www.weatherworks.com.au

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