Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


I love this wooden ball with circles of different coloured woods. It's fun to roll around the floor for the cats to chase after, it feels comfortable to just toss from hand to hand whilst sat on the sofa, and I can even still do that contact juggling thing where you flip it from the back of your hand to the palm and back again.

It came into our house just before christmas, as Roland spotted it at the Green party christmas fair.

This year I've decided I'm not going to run round in as many circles as I did last year, like the proverbial headless chicken. It's going to be more about balance. And more fun things.

Speaking of which, I was really, really fortunate to come into ownership of a new camera toward the end of last year. A Nikon D3200, which I am slowly getting to know and instead of going at it like a headless chicken I've signed up for classes at the local Arts Centre - a beginners guide to using a DSLR. It's just four Tuesday evenings, starting this coming Tuesday.

It really is time that I understood how cameras work. I think .....

Have an earworm on the theme of circles.

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