Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Frost on Morn Hill

Woke up this morning to frost and brilliant sun. Scrambled out of bed quickly (for me) and then made a fatal mistake - instead of simply blipping what was in front of me I took the car up to Morn Hill. The journey takes less than 15 minutes, but by the time I got there I had only about 3 minutes of sun left, after which it went dark and p****d with rain all day. So this is a real wintry landscape, somewhere between the sun and the rain, with that sort of dead light you get with frost and smudgy mist. If ever I need to get cold, I'll come back and look at this :))

Now I will try to catch up with all your lovely comments, etc, that have come in since I went to Suffolk. Sadly I have no images this time from that lovely county, the weather was dire and I never even got my camera out of its bag. Meanwhile, I hope you're all good and enjoyed the weekend. Very happy New Year. xx

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