Museum of Transport

Mr A has wanted to visit this place for ages, so this morning we got up bright & early not really, I was a narky sod til about 11am and drove to Manchester.

Mr A was like a kid in a sweet shop; excited from the moment he smelled the diesel fumes until the moment we left! It's endearing to watch him; his little face beaming away at all the different buses.

The place itself was bigger than I expected and staffed by volunteers who were all really enthusiastic about being there fast forward 30 years and I reckon Mr A will be there, enthusing on a Sunday

Unlike the train museum, you can go on some of the exhibits; Mr A was straight up the stairs to the top deck of the double decker and in the drivers seat of the tram.

From there, we drove to Leeds. I'd seen some winter gloves (for the bike) on EBay, but Mr A said 'you need to try them on' so we went to the store. I'm glad we did, as the gloves weren't any good; they felt really thin on the fingertips (which is where I always feel the cold when we're out).
We had debated going out on the bike today, but decided against it. Good call as the weather was awful!

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