In at the deep end

I 'took the plunge' today and joined my local gym.

I hate gyms; they bore me, but I miss the exercise I used to get with the Zumba classes.
I miss Zumba; both the activity and the people, but it doesn't fit with my life anymore. Classes have been cut since I originally went there (at my peak I was doing 14 dance/fitness classes a week!) and whereas it spared me from going home for a few hours after work, now I have Mr A and want to be home with him.

It's taken much contemplation to join a gym, but it gives me the flexibility to go when I want, rather than at 6pm on a Thursday! My work hours have changed so I have a couple of half days now, which means I can go either before or after that session and it doesn't encroach on my home time with the boyf.

So, off I went this morning & duly signed up. I can't use the gym until I've had an induction (that's booked for tomorrow) but I was allowed to use the pool.

Another bonus of going during the day is that the pool was relatively quiet.
The only downside is they are still in the dark ages when it comes to the sauna & steam room; they have gender specific sessions! Sod's law, ladies only sessions are Monday morning & Tuesday afternoon, which are the same times I work my half days. Grrrrr.

I managed 20 lengths today, which was good for me as I haven't swum in ages. Plus I've signed up to swimfit which will allow me to set targets to help me improve my distances and fitness.

It is a rolling contract, so I can cancel with a months notice if I really don't like it, but I need to do something to keep in shape so will do my best to keep at it!

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