Little and smart

and badly in need of a bath. Not to be outdone by Jolang I had to post a photo of my smart car. I love this little car, and it is one of the best I have owned. And, it goes great in the ice and snow, much better than the big cars I've had. It was the brainchild of the CEO of Swatch, the Swiss watch maker. smart actually stands for Swatch Mercedes ART. He came up with the idea of a tiny car that was economical and safe. The silver band around the doors is a high strength steel roll cage. In most crashes, the driver of the smart walks away. He approached several of the big car makers, and Mercedes agreed to build it at their plant in Hambach, France. One of their slogans is "smart and safe." Another is, "surprisingly roomy." It has more head and leg room than most big cars and SUV's. Their other slogan is, " your mind." I got lots of looks and questions at first, but now everyone around here is used to it. I think everyone should own a smart car. I don't say it should be your only car, but it should be the one you drive most often.

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