Fight or flight?

Today I woke up.

I wanted not to.

I wanted to stay under the covers and pretend that today wasn't happening.

I don't know why.

I just did.

The sun peeked around the curtain.

Get up. Get up.

I opened one eye and sighed.

Cousteau did the same.

Just five more minutes.

No, insisted the sun, get up NOW!

So we did.

We mooched around.

I went to school to print some stuff ready for tomorrow.

I walked the dog.

I looked at an open home.

I felt poor.

I felt grumpy.

I cried.

My best friend called.

Come over here.

I guess.

I went.

He gave me a piggy back ride.

Despite myself, I laughed.

He noticed the photo opportunity before I did.

I didn't have my camera.

He lent me his.

You'll be quicker at taking the shot.

I got this shot.

He was impressed.

He didn't grumble that he could have got it if he hadn't lent me his camera.

He smiled and gave me a hug.

I smiled too.

Thank you.

Thank you for not letting me wallow in needless self-pity.

Thank you for being so generous of spirit.

Thank you for accepting me, grumps and all.

I guess I'll fight after all.

This family starting out

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