
Apologies in advance... there may be a lot some profanities to follow...

The next time I suggest I may decorate... can someone please point me back here because I'm pretty sure this was another of my shite ideas. I can't do the pink paint. I painted a tile and I thought that it would be okay but it just isn't. It's too tacky. I was aiming for funky and it's just not nice. I scraped it off.

Tonight I painted the wall. You'd think that would be fairly straightforward given the bog is the size of a postage stamp but when it's so fucking narrow there's no chance my ladders are gonna fit. So I balanced on the edge of the bath with my mini roller, paint brush and paint tray and I swear I'm wearing more paint than is on the wall. It's in my hair, on my feet, up my arm, over my face, my hands are covered and my clothes are splattered... they're old clothes but now I can't even have a fucking shower! I've had no dinner, my flat is a shit tip and quite frankly I'm pissed off with it now.

Tomorrow I need to go back to B&Q and hope that they have a colour that's going to look less like I live in a gypsy caravan so that I can get the tiles painted and put my flat back into some kind of order.


I'm paying someone to do the bedroom. If I have to do without shoes for a few months it'll be worth it. Anyone know a decorator?

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