
By KirstyHalbert

Norman II.

It’s Chriiiiiiiistmas! Today M and I had a lazy morning before heading out to B&Q to pick our tree. Meet Norman II! He’s possibly even bigger and better than Norman I from last year. I downloaded a Christmas album and we spent a while decorating the living room and putting baubles on the tree. After last year’s mammoth effort of 300 mini baubles (!) we decided to go a bit more minimalist, and just used 100. He looks very pretty!

By the time we’d finished, there was just enough time for me to sort out my hair for the lifeboat Christmas party, and to walk down to town. We all met up in a highly depressing bar near the Carmelite, then decanted after a couple of drinks to the hotel for our dinner. M and I were in a booth with A his partner (another Kirsty), plus a Kirsten and her partner. It’s best to group us girls all together to give everyone a chance to remember our names :o)

The meal was average but the company fantastic, and we had a great night. Lots of drinks and some wild dancing. It was a bring-a-party-to-a-party and there were lots of single older females out to find a nice young man for Christmas. Terrifying.

M made me leave just as they were putting Abba on, so as a thank-you I sang their best hits to him all the way home.

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