Job Creation

The eagle eyed Cambridge folk amongst you might notice that this is the Parkside/Petersfield Junction by the fire station, you will no doubt be aware that there are no Marks and Spencer shops nearby, the closest (when pushing a load of trolleys would be 20 mins away).

I have a horrible feeling that these chaps are the victims of either a prank 'Oi Brian, go down to stores and ask them for a long stand' or pointless job creation. I do not believe that Marks and Spencer don't own some sort of trolley van thing.

Anyway it is the only remotely blippable thing I saw at lunchtime.

Band practise last night, I think it was a really good session but it was so flipping loud it was hard to tell. Revisited a few old songs and had a go at a new one, all seemed to come together but my ears are still ringing so I think we need to work on levels next week before we hurl ourselves into more Dad rock ;)


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