dunes from sunrise till sunset. It seemed a good idea to walk to the entrance before sunrise. Before us two women entered the gate, they did nordic walking and had a fast pace, we saw them at the other side before we had reached the water tower. We walked slowly, stood still several times, searched for the fox(es), saw the geese fly above our heads, they headed north this time.
There are a good deal of ponds, where in spring the birds make their nests, the paths near the water are forbidden for humans at that time.
Not now of course and I liked to see the sun rising behind the reed, and could make a picture.
Near the sea we climbed over the wire and walked back along the shore.
No surprise that we found ourselves a bit tired after the three hours walk, but with this warm weather, although a bit windy, it feels marvellous to be outside.

My haiku:

Reeds around the pond
Are hiding and protecting
Privacy for birds

And the proverb:

In Luilekkerland zijn de huizen met pannenkoeken bedekt.


The houses In (the land of) Cocaigne are covered with pancakes.

If we only knew where this land is to be found.

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