Et Voilà!

Here she is, my stranger!

Thanks for all concerns over The Mother's health yesterday. The antibiotics have kicked in and she is starting to feel better already!

Yesterday was just no fit day for me to get the little disposable camera out of the bag and introduce myself to a stranger. Today we set of for Keswick so as to see plenty of people I didn't know.

It was so very cold and windy down by the lake where I had planned a nice backdrop. The place was deserted! Eventually a young dog came running towards me with a stick. I made a big fuss of it, thinking it was a good way to spark of a conversation when its owners caught up. Guess what? I had known both of them for over 30 years! Worked with them and even been to their home!

The Man had been down on the shore making sure he got his blip while I loitered, nervously, with intent! I was beginning to think I had been a fool to take on this challenge as I just couldn't do it! Both feeling cold by now we went to enjoy the warmth and comfort of The Theatre By The Lake. As I ordered my coffee the barista was friendly and offered me advice about different options. I got back to my seat and thought "She's the one!"

I had finished my coffee for quite a while before I dared to get up and chat again to the staff. I talked about Blipfoto and how nervous I was and took a few shots to give her an idea what the outcome would be like, but in black and white.

Advice I always give to others is:- if you've got a limited opportunity to get a shot hit the magnify button to check important parts of the image for sharpness. I didn't! Sorry, Taryn, I should have altered my camera settings which had been ready for an outdoor shot. I was just out of my comfort zone.

I have to say, this project was a marvellous experience for me, great fun once I dared to open my mouth and one I am so proud of myself for daring to do it!

Thanks, Taryn, you were fantastic posing for me. The project picture on the little camera will automatically be a sharp picture and not have the slight blur this one has.

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