When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Light boxing

Today was a darkroom day. The communal dark rooms at Edinburgh college are currently something of a beehive as various deadlines approach and the first half of our year draws to a close. Above one of my class mates Sarah scrutinises some negatives, in a shot that was definitely not set up by me specifically because I have currently discovered a penchant for shooting people with their faces illuminated by electrical devices.

Ahead lie some larger more involved projects, that I am certainly looking forward to getting my teeth into. Today turned into a real slog though. I find the time spent doing nothing while waiting for fiber based paper to develop is just annoying. I can see the horror in the eyes of many of my film loving colleagues when I express this view, like I've waved a jobbie on a stick under their nose. Partly it's probably frustration on my part at the mixed results i've been getting.

The next week is going to be pretty busy to get this all sorted on time. I plan on being slightly more ahead of the game for the next set of briefs. All this rushing about can't be good for you.

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