
By misswinterfinch

Sunning the new pet fish

The is Arthur, a Betta Splendens originally from Thailand but now from Joe's Fish Bowl in Norwich. He was/is an impulse purchase while I was there getting something else for the big fish tank. Arthur cannot live in the big tank with that community of fish. There are those who would like to nibble on his fancy fins.
So, when I got home I filled this vase with clear water, uprooted the peace lily and washed the soil off. Then Arthur went inside as his temporary home until his new tank is ready. Bettas can live quite a while, not happily, in small containers. he deserves a larger swimming area. So far black sand and some water are in his new home.
After I got him settled on a top shelf in the hall linen closet, I went into the back of a big closet where things get stuffed until ready for use. It frequently amazes me to find what I need in there. I found the external hard drive I'd tucked away a few years back. And now the 10 gallon glass aquarium has been pulled out, rinsed then washed black sand put in the bottom. I have started pour clear spring water into it. Today I went out shopping after my arthritis swimming class and bought a few more liters. I thought I had a small old filter but it is inadequate, so I have ordered what looks lik a promising new one. Then the Home Center cut a sheet of glass for the top and I bought a strip LED light. I will ask my handy neighbour to attached it above the counter. I am setting Arthur's new home in the kitchen near the sink.
It is necessary to make the set up as Gracie Tt-proof as possible. She loves water. That's why Arthur lives in the closet. During the day I leave the door open and the hall light on. But this afternoon near sunset I placed his temporary quarters on a windowsill so he could enjoy actual sunshine. And, here he is...
He's sleeping now with the door closed. the new filter will be here in about 4 to 5 days.
Fish keeping is winter fun.

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