Date Night

I walked to the baby clinic today to get Minnie measured and weighed. She is now 12lb 12oz which is 24 ounces gained in 4 weeks. Height wise she is in the 75th bit of the chart so she will be tall like Daddy

We went to Baby Bounce at the library for a sing along and also joined the library while there. I took out 5 books - we read two a day to Minnie.

Simon and I finally went to see The Hunger Games tonight - we've been saying we will go since it came out last year. It was blooming brilliant. Two and half hours that literally flew by. Definitely one to recommend but you need to have seen part one for it to make sense

Nanny and Grandad baby sat and loved having Minnie - no surprise there! We picked up a Dominos pizza on the way home which was yummy :)

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