Excess Sugar

Every year after the huge sugar binge of December, and the reduction of sugar that follows, the symptoms get worse.
Headache, nausea, dizziness (like room spinning dizziness), extreme hunger, exhaustion.
So sick almost all night last night.
You'd think I'd learn to tell me 'STOP' before I pick up that first bite.
You'd think.

The first symptom was in the morning when I woke up. <factor> a front had come in
Moving my head caused dizziness. I was congested. Congestion increased through the day and was significant by evening.
I did start this day thinking only of the sinus headache aspect of it. As the extreme hunger kicked in, and the nausea, I recalled sudden dizziness last winter and the winter before.
It rains this time of year, and I do react to fronts coming in. But I am also backing off sugar this time of year, and when I ate sugar after the symptoms subsided, the headache immediately returned.

Since I always forget a thing as soon as it's over...I put it here. Perhaps it will help me sort it out later :-)
Better now, by the way (Friday morning)

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