
By middaypyjamas

Calm in the Storm

My day started in Jonathan's house after spending the night there drinking wine, looking at photos and catching up. I came home and ruthlessly hacked my beard from my face, it got very emotional but it is nice not to constantly have a moustache in my mouth.

I then continued to organise my South America photos, culling some and pulling others out for blips. Speaking of I've decided to back blip one photo from the holiday each day, and have a link to it in that days blip.

Today's blip was a bit of a quick blip in which I left the house about ten minutes ago, found some ants, took this photo and am now uploading it. I was quite lucky however in that the ant in the foreground decided to defy convention and have a bit of a break. Up until spotting him all I got was photos of blurry ants who were quickly rushing back and forth, and can be seen behind this one who clearly knew the benefits of stopping to smell the roses...or leaf.

Today's South American back blip can be found here.

- Damian

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