
By middaypyjamas

The Hairs of my Chinny Chin Chin

I slept in till 8am this morning! Which after a few days of jet lag waking me up at 4am was a great success. With a good sleep behind us Holly and I commenced the great Brunnie cook up. This consisted of us cooking three different meals purely with the intention to freeze them and have them for dinners in the future. We usually have something in the feezer but don’t have much at the moment, and after having meals made for us for 4-5 weeks we were ready to cook. We made a lasagne, a meat ball risotto and some chicken burgers. All turned out great and will be highly appreciated by future Holly and Damian I’m sure.

Also today one of my Christmas gifts from Holly arrived, as she had ordered it after coming back home. It is a hair and beard trimmer. This gift was made even more poignant as I decided not to shave while overseas and currently have the longest beard of my beard growing career! As I will be using my new trimmer tomorrow I decided to honour my soon to be late beard and have it as today’s blip.

Also the aforementioned Holly has made it her new year challenge to blip for a year. She's currently blipped three days and will be doing some back blipping in the future, check out her blip here.

- Damian

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