
By middaypyjamas

Fish Eye

Jet lag is having it’s way with both Holly and I. Since getting home we keep awaking at around 5am unable to get back to sleep. Then in the afternoons we both end up getting very tired. Yesterday at around 3pm it hit us, so we decided to go have a power nap. Four hours later we woke up feeling groggy and awful since it turned out our nap turned into a night’s sleep that got interrupted half way through. This then led to both of us waking up at 4am this morning, bright eyed and fully awake. Rather than fight it we got up and got breakfast.

The only place we could think of that was open 24 hours (other than McDonalds, no thank you) was the pancake parlour, so that’s where we went. It was actually a really delicious breakfast that, of course, included pancakes. Surprisingly we were the only customers there!

While we were there I noticed the lampshades were particularly cool, being very cylinder and made of a very reflective brass. You may now have guessed that todays blip is in fact the restaurants reflection in that lampshade, well done you, you have guessed correctly, 10 points to Griffindor. If you look very closely in the reflection you will notice Holly and I sitting at a both, with me holding my camera. We are now fighting to stay awake until 11pm in the hopes of ending this vicious cycle once and for all

I also back blipped three days today, so feel free to check them out!

- Damian

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