
It is now seven weeks since I planted the tomatoes in the rebuilt greenhouse. A couple of the plants are taller than I am. The plants are rather robust. I think the compost is richer than it needs to be. Fruit is forming, but because of the late planting it is not as advanced as usual. I'm continually removing laterals and lower leaves, and leaf pruning selected plants. So far I can see no advantage of the leaf pruning.

The self sown marigolds have had to be thinned, and more should be removed. They don't usually grow so big. In the back on the left, but not seen here, the zucchini has grown to sci-fi proportions without producing anything edible. On the right in front are two of my favourite basils- spicy globe, which has the flavour of cloves.

The two grape vines are also late and don't have as much fruit setting as normal. Still I'm glad to have them after their exposure to the elements at a critical stage in their development. The leaves have grown nicely to form the shady bower for Her Ladyship, as you can see at the end of the path. The irrigation was on when I took this shot. She comes and goes without getting a drop of water on her.

For a while this morning the mountains were on show. The snow has retreated to the tops, but they still looked magnificent.

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