Magic Rhubarb

By magicrhubarb

Half-Way Up or Half-Way Down?

I hope that the life-cycle of popular sayings is short. "Glass half-full or half-empty?" has been here too long. Some sayings become clichés through popularity. Some become cliché through laziness. Asking if half-full or empty means better questions are not asked. Half-up or half-down the stairs? It is easier to indicate context with this. The context must be explained. Half-up could mean half-up to something good at the top. Half-up could also mean half-way up to hide in bedroom or bathroom. Half-down could mean on way towards front door and life. Half-down could also be too scared to go all the way down and out of the door. The position and direction are not enough. The starting point and ending point are useful too.

A door can be half-open and a door could be half-shut. With a door on hinges it could be that is where the door comes to rest. Half-way is the best place for that door. An agreement between two opposed views is good, but also half-way between. Do not ask if half-full or half-empty. Perhaps ask more direct questions to get better answers. Are you disappointed or pleased? Are you satisfied with your possessions? Do you think what you mean or do you hide beneath symbols?

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