the way it goes

Spoke to a friend today for the first time since I heard he has motor neuron disease. I found out just after Christmas. Saw him in September, and he was fine.

He went for a medical before committing to climbing Mont Blanc this year, and that lead to the diagnosis in November. In a wheelchair already, and losing function in his hands.

He’s the same age as me, and was a leader for our trip up Kilimanjaro 2 years ago. He didn’t climb, as he’s been to the summit already (and missed out on a 2nd attempt - altitude sickness).

snow in Africa


The conversation was remarkably easy. A testament to his positive attitude and my stiff upper lip. But I’ve been quite emotional since then.

I’ll stop whining about my blood pressure problems for a while.

Blipping suddenly dropped down the priority list.

Plan is to climb a couple of local hills tomorrow, just because I can.

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