Oh Tino

Quiet day at home today. Lots to do but I didn't feel motivated to do much. Started doing jobs and then got distracted and started something else. Cats seemed to be in a mischievous mood - getting in the way whenever I was doing anything and fighting/chasing each other all over.

My blip shows my lovely vase of flowers tipped over by Tino who decided to try and eat them. The glass vase broke into a few pieces and there was water everywhere. Luckily the flowers survived and have been transferred to another vase. I have put them on the kitchen windowsill near the sink so if he knocks them over it won't be such a mess. I knew I was pushing my luck buying those flowers on Wednesday as both Tino and Lily just can't leave them alone.

Neil phoned around 8.30pm. He is back on English soil. He gets the coach to Newcastle around midnight. He thinks he might have an hour to spare before he starts work tomorrow so he is going to pop home beforehand.

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