Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

High Brid (Tea)

Today we had guests for a belated Christmas tea and what a relaxed afternoon it turned out to be! So relaxed....neither of us remembered to take the camera out to record the event!

However, our flat now has a veritable nursery of three new of which I've blipped!! An orchid which is very top heavy with these gorgeous white blooms and several more buds waiting to burst! Mum really loved orchids and had a home full of them...but I sadly didn't inherit her green fingers.

Did a google search to see how to care for them and hopefully we'll see the blooms for the next 12 weeks....if we keep the conditions right!

The outside temperature never went above 20c all day and rain is forecast lets see. Good to know its a holiday tomorrow so have a few things planned, but not too much!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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