
By MagicDaizy

Today I visited my college to pay a surprise visit to an old friend 'J' who works there as the Head of the Computers Department.

The best part is we are all still friends and in contact since then, thanks to modern technology and social networking websites.

Time flies by before we even realize it. I used to hang around all day with my friends here a decade ago. It brought back so many wonderful memories.
The corridors , the class rooms and even the trees had a memory attached to them.

While I was day dreaming and recalling the good ole times when I heard someone call my name. It was one of the support staff's lady 'Agnus' who used to clean the building. I was so delighted to know that she remembered me and the others even after such a long time.

It is good to visit ones past once in a while, ofcourse the good times.....

Everyone have a very warm Thursday

Thank you for your lovely comments on my white tigers blip.

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