Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43


This rather fine building, at the end of Castle Street in Dudley (opposite St Edmund's church), has been getting progressively more dilapidated in recent years, but towards the end of 2013 it was refurbished. Usually there are people in the way, and litter lying around, but I managed to photograph it today without any of these obstacles, apart from the rather ugly rubbish bin. I did try to remove the bin (with Photoshop), but it proved beyond my abilities, at least without spending far more time on it than I was prepared to do. Some other alternatives occurred to me, but would have required more photographs, and would still have been rather time consuming. The passage way immediately to the left is Green Man Entry, and the cream building next to it is rather better-known to me than I really like, as it is my dentist's surgery!

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