One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

All systems go!

The 2009 Halloween season was officially launched this morning, with the switching on of the pumpkin lights.
Luca is very impressed by the ease with which his little brother has managed to stuff half a lit pumpkin in his (not so) little mouth, hence identifying an electrocution hazard within 3 seconds of having been released in the sitting room.
He soon lost interest though and instead resumed his favourite activity: licking the last few traces of bleach on the stainless steel (except for bleach stains, obviously) bin in the kitchen.
The official Halloween costumes so far are:
- Luca. 6 years old. Skeleton vampire of outer space
- Mimi. 2.5 years old. Crocodile (or Dragon, the jury is still out on this one, there is a strange pair of little wings on the back...)
- Finnzy-Bob. 10 months old. Puke Monster (that was the cheapest outfit. It just means not changing his vomit-encrusted baby grow for a week or two...)

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