
By Marietha

Nameless plant

Keagan, my eldest grandson gave this plant to me in November 2013 when we visited them.

Much to my surprise when I walked through my garden this afternoon I saw the plant with a flower on. I was very excited and sent them a photo. Afterwards Keagan phoned me and asked me I did to get the plant to flower. I said that I gave it a lot of TLC. Then he asked me where I got the TLC from. I told him that it meant tender loving care. After a while he understood what I meant. Then I said to him that he gave the plant to me with love that is why it grows so beautifully. It really was so sweet.

In the end he said that I must please tell him what I used for the plant to grow so beautifully because his won't bloom. I told him and hopefully he will also get joy out of his plant.

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