twinned with trumpton


Granton Harbour, Early

So, I came to at about 1; TV on; I vaguely remember trying to watch MOTD and failing, then had a brief pang for her after the previous evening.

Then got up, went to bed and woke at a more sensible 7am. I got coffee, set up the laptop to do some overtime, then made porridge and sat down to work. I slowly became aware of the purple glow coming in through the window and peered out, grabbed some trousers, three fleece tops, a jacket and was off out with the camera.

Cold, crips, icy, patches of white across the grass and pavement, I feared I'd missed the best of it. I went down to Corinthian Quay and stood there for a while taking photos; got cold and needed to move so walked along Lower Granton Road towards the break water, wondering if I could get a shot from out at the end of the breakwater, but knew I was probably too late.

I stopped and was watching about 300 oyster catchers doing a low level aerobatic display, the whirring of wings as they darted to and fro.

And took the shot above; knew I had my shot for the day and went back home, greeted by a warm flat (the slightest sunshine heats it up immeasurably).

I drifted through some work til midday, then once I could see the ice had all melted, donned lycra bib, and broke out the bike. Time for a quick 40km cycle ride to blow the cobwebs away.

And thereafter a quiet day; much needed soak after the bike ride; then mostly in the kitchen making burgers for next Sunday and various other bits and bobs.

Had the most fantastic cous cous with ginger, garlic, spring onions, coriander, tomatoes, fish sauce and lime which I had with left over chicken from Friday's roast. So fresh, vibrant, packed with flavour. The cous cous was something she brought over yesterday; we'd talked about it on Wednesday from 'I have 6 ingredients - what should I do?' and to then eat it Saturday made me smile. I am indeed very lucky......

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