Travels With 4 Wheel Fred

By HRGibbon


Richard Burns 's Subaru Impreza, with Colin McRae's Impreza in the background. These were part of the "Wales Rally GB" stand. At the other side was Ari Vatanen's Subaru Legacy and Jukka Kohonen's BRC 2013 winning DS3 on the other side of that.

This was the car that I had plastered all over my carrel at school. Burns and McRae, I followed their ups and downs, their team changes, their car changes (at one point, their career changes!). It's sad to think neither of them are with us now.


Another day at the show, this time with the OH. I got my head measured so that I can order my new (my first) helmet. The boss and the OH reckon I should have a full face helmet, not sure if I should be offended at that, but I think they're thinking about safety. I hope.

I also got Walter Rohrl's autograph.
The man who is quoted as saying "Good drivers have dead flies on the side windows."

Subscribed to Race Tech magazine, to feed my interest (and the OH's) in motorsport engineering stuff. You know it's a good magazine when it has formulae in it!!

Then there was an immensely long drive home again. We somehow missed the toll road turn off and got stuck in huge amounts of traffic. Other than that, it was an awesome day. :)

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