
By Angelique

" And They Call It Puppy Love? "

After yesterday's amazing weather, what a contrast to today!! It has been dreary, dark and drizzly all day. So much so that after we took all the Christmas decorations down, yes I know we're late, Mr A was so cold, we didn't want to go anywhere. To make matters worse for him, he had to clean the 'Beast' because it got covered with grunge yesterday.

Whilst he was outside removing all the lights, I was inside taking the Christmas tree apart, with the help of Phoebe of course.

We were told of a huge boiler being transported down the A39 for delivery to Watchet's Paper Mill. It was 100ft long, 16ft high and 16 wide and that it would take 7 hours to move from Sedgemoor Services on the M5 to it's final destination.

The plan was to go and photograph it but because Mr A got so cold, we decided we couldn't find it. Shame really but I can't imagine the chaos it would have caused to navigate around so many tight narrow bends. Just glad it wasn't my responsibility.

So we have a nice fireside shot of madam Phoebe now eating her new toy that we gave her for Christmas. The squeaky inside lasted longer than usual, but once that was out, it was only a matter of time before the stuffing was removed. You can see bits of it on the rug.

Hope you have all had better weather?! And are we all ready to face Monday? NO but it's coming. I try and think of it as another week nearer to Spring. And on that note, I was amazed on Thursday whilst at work, to hear a Chaffinch singing a spring song! I thought he must be terribly confused.

Take care fellow blippers, stay warm. There's a cold spell coming in by the end of the month apparently. Oh joy.

Thank you for reading all my piffle - love to you all:)) x

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