
I have spoken of this before. I am not a tidy person. It really is not part of my genetic makeup. The fact that the vast majority of the housework falls to myself is a significant design fault. Dh is great but works full time six days a week. I am part-time and have to accept that if I don't do the majority of it no-one else does.

I do try. Really hard. For years I have climbed on the fly lady bandwagon but it always proves to be very twee. It gets on my nerves by telling me to put my lace up shoes and a face of make-up on every morning. Then she emails me telling me she is weeping purple puddles for those who are fly-ing. Then she tries and sells me water bottles and cleaning stuff.

Anyway I fell upon a link and it is the antithesis in many ways to the fly system. Basically it is called Un-f$¥€ your habitat. You can guess what the f word is. I don't mind an f word or two. I love this site. It cares not if I am fully made up and dressed while I do the dishes and it does not cry purple puddles at me. It says well f@&);&!, done and tells me to sit down for 10 minutes.

I am a lot tidier than I was. It really is learning process. The downstairs tends to never get to a terrible state and I can always have people round. Upstairs often looks like it we have been burgled. So this is the aim to keep downstairs in its current lived in status and upstairs to be tidier.

I have also updated my website today and done a press release and chased a refund and still my to do list is as long as my arm.

Green tea and a biscuit and back on it.

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