A day of resting, hankies and bedtime reading

I didn't go to work today because I was still not feeling well when I woke up this morning. Better than yesterday but still not well. I thought that going to work would make it worse rather than better and I didn't want to give this nasty bug to my working colleagues either. Dr Lali prescribed a day of rest. I didn't get out of the flat today, so another indoors blip, I'm afraid...

This evening I cancelled going to a Birthday party too for the same reason... and I cancelled my dentist appointment tomorrow as well just in case.. (not that I was really looking forward to it.. ;-) )

It's funny because, all year round, I've been surrounded by people with all sorts of bugs but I haven't fallen in. I believe I have a rather strong inmune system in that way. However, when I go to Barcelona they always manage to pass me their bugs!!! I know that the flu virus constantly changes and mutates, so it must be developing a bit stronger over there, I don't know... In any case my inmune system army is managing to overpower yet again the Barcelona nasties and they are being finally decimated... Slowly but surely!

I wish I could have given you a more interesting image but I wasn't particularly in the mood for photography..

Thanks very much for your kind comments! I do really appreciate them! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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