
This is how I'm feeling today.. fragile..

Yesterday I seemed to be feeling better during the day but then it all went downhill at night time. Although I managed to get some sleep, I had some difficulties. As a result, this morning I was not feeling great, with a horrible headache to top it up. I was not in the best mood, as you can imagine..

I spent most of my day at home, resting and uploading photos in Facebook. If you have time and want to see my other photos from Barcelona, click on the links below:

Barcelona in colour

Barcelona in black & white

I would have stayed all day at home but, unfortunately, I had to go outside to buy some food (my fridge was empty after my holidays) and to get more medicines and hankies. My trip to the shops didn't feel as bad as my travelling on Friday though, that was quite an ordeal, I have to say!

As for my blip yesterday, my apologies if my image came across as rude, as that wasn't the intention. the idea was that the sheep was giving the cow (much heavier) a lift, just to show the power of a good friendship. But, never mind...

First day back to work tomorrow, see how I feel...

Thanks very much for all your lovely and caring comments, I do really appreciate them! I hope you all had a good weekend! :)

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