Hang In There!

Advice I need to give myself when I'm stuck for a blip!

Busy day today, with my U3A Photography class this morning and the second module of the Forensic Science course this afternoon. I'm now an expert in Fingerprints (along with every other student on the course!)

Really interesting session and quite an eye-opener. Apparently fingerprints (or fingermarks, as they should properly be called when lifted from a crime scene!) are not as reliable as we'd all been led to believe. We also learned an easy way to take our own fingerprints and evaluate them by type. There was an invitation to photograph them and download them to Flickr, but a large number of people seemed wary about doing this for security reasons (me included!) Who wants to end up on an FBI database?

We were given more info about the murder investigation we're studying and the water is becoming muddier by the week:-) Good fun!

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