Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


Everything's a surrounding and daunting, thick, silence.

It's clouding my hearing and it's filling up my ears till the thrum of hollow pounding throbs through my ear drums, banging against my skull and echoing till I just end up back in bed.

I am so squashed by UCAS, I just want a flat and cats everywhere.

I'm joining the gym before I start losing my mind instead of the weight. I feel so ill, mentally.

To explain it, it's like. I am lying on sand, flat on my stomach with my arms spread by my sides. and my body has moulded into the grains, someone has placed a collection of breezeblocks over my body, and every day, they top me with a new one.

I'm crushed in so many senses.

Why don't you miss me?

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