Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

3 months ago.

3 months ago it was my birthday and I had the best night ever.

3 months on, i'm having the worst nights ever.

Nobody gives a shit though but it's okay. I don't get invited anywhere with my friends anymore, I blame myself for this to be honest, I'm not very fun anymore. Just angry and a let down. I miss them, I miss going places with them, but they're busy with the friends they think are worth it I guess, but i'm happy for them, I love them to bits, and so long as they are happy, just like I said about Bethan, I'm happy too. Even if it does hurt pushing for happiness, it's bearable. Sometimes?

My heart hurts, i'm so alone and i want this bipolar testing to hurry up it's going slow, records and medication to file, I'm so tired, i feel i'm wasting away, ha.

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