
By SeaGypsy49

Bee on white rata flowers.

Not so many bees on the white rata flowers this morning, but at least I had the camera with me.
Whisky (the fluffy cat) wasn't home when we got home on Sunday morning, and I finally saw her last night when I was sitting in the lounge of the Lodge next door, when I saw her outside the big sliding doors on the deck. It was where she lived before she came to us. I got her & when PJ got back with the boat, he took her home in the car before coming back for dinner. We had brought the people from over the other side of the Kenepuru to the Lodge to have dinner with a few of the other locals.
I think that Paddles chased her off. This morning he was sitting waiting to ambush her as she came over for her food. A well aimed Croc (shoe) just made him go around another way, to have another go at her.

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