Signature quilt

My former teaching partner and dear friend, M is having a quilt made from squares signed at our wedding reception. The guests were asked to tilt the prepared fabric squares like diamonds and write something for us. I was just checking them off as compared to our guest list. You can see who really wanted to be in on the counting, in the baskets and on the squares. M is coming over after work(she still teaches) and we're going to take a look at what we have. She also has squares for her daughter's quilt who was just married and who was also the soloist at our ceremony. We'll look at those as well. M will stay for dinner too, so I'm about to make some red lentil soup, recipe courtesy of our Swedes.

Laying it out, with help. It will be 9 squares x 10 squares when sewn together & quilted.

These signature quilts actually 'run' in my family as well. I donated one made for Nora's mother in the late 1880s to the historical Society in Lubec, Maine in 2008. I have a chapter in this book about the quilt and it's signers.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and damp with off and on showers.

All hands are healthy

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