
By Mates


I don't know if my old friend Roger Lane will remember that this actually happened one night while we were at The Bistro - I was being bothered and Roger stepped in and scared the guy off. I had a group that was quite protective when I first came out - I've always appreciated that.

The punchline to the college version was Zen saying "It's a straight thing, you wouldn't understand." My Big City paper editor didn't like it, didn't think it was funny, and we came up with this one - eh, I don't like it. I think Zen's original crack was more in line with his personality, and god knows if the joke was going the other way Tad would pull the gay card in two seconds, so why cant Zen play his straight card?

(Zen's parentage was a constant joke in the college strips - his real mother and father ended up being Cher and Samuel L. Jackson - you know, because.)

Talking about technical details: one of the things I've never gotten under control is the height placement of characters, and this is because I draw their heads first, placing them about the strip - but then I sometimes forget, or am just lazy and rushed, to spacially place them in proportion to the furniture, panel, or even each other. I thought Photoshop would fix this, as they'd then be all exactly the same, but it actually made it worse. So now I draw everything right off the panel, including the lower third you never see - it's a bit of wasted effort, but as you'll see again and again, otherwise I end up with tables and countertops going up to their armpits, or they look like giants in these tiny rooms.

(Note - that beer bottle stripe next to Tad's shirt stripe is driving me nuts)

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