The size of the task ahead

We were given an additional area of land adjacent to our allotment recently. This is a wonderful bonus, one we've been hoping for ever since we got our allotment in 2011. But, you can see the task ahead. The additional land in all that stuff in the middle foreground, between the grassy path and the compost bins and pile of manure. Someone has thoughtfully dumped a pile of rubbish on our bit as well - cuttings, old plywood and branches from an evergreen to mention just 3. So that'll have to go.

In the background you can see 3 sheds, ours is the next one to go up on the right where you can see the slabs resting against the fence. I moved the slabs for the foundation to the site this morning, next job is to lay the slabs before erecting the shed which I may get around to starting tomorrow.

Two round trips to the allotment today with the wheelbarrow this was after a good workout at the gym too. Took two barrowloads of compost from our bins to help enrich the soil, especially for potatoes and beans. Cleared the greenhouse of old pepper plants, now that will need hosing down and cleaning ready for the spring. Moved to gooseberry bushes to their final location - they'd just been heeled in temporarily since November.

On Monday I helped move several barrowloads of manure to an area by the sheds and piled it in a big heap which you can clearly see in the far background. I returned today to find the remains of the manure had been moved from by the gate but for some inexplicable reason had been strewn all over the flat ground in front of the sheds - which you can also see around my barrow. Why?

After the lovely day yesterday, the weather returned to its usual form today, Grey, overcast and wet. Might be like this for the rest of the week.

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