Antique China

Colleagues had informed me a loooong time ago that there was some antique crockery left behind in one of their cabinets when the previous occupants of their office moved to another department within the university complex. Would I perhaps be interested? Not that they knew I could have had any interest at all. It's just that the cups and saucers had beautiful Chinese illustrations and one of the Asian teachers (such as myself) might find a practical use for them. So I took a look and ... couldn't decide right away if I wanted them. Hubby and I have enough china at home but hardly any guests, so what would have been the use of taking them at all? The longer I thought about it, though, the more charming they looked. Besides, I can always give them away on our next visit to Manila, or keep them and give other stuff away. At any rate, I thought they were too good to be consigned to the rubbish bin.

Not a bad day, but the closing of a quarter brings its own kind of stress. One more full week and then ... exams!

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