
By thecherryway

The Unbearable Darkness of Being...

I've had one of those days today. It's been a day so filled with meaning, metaphor and the sheer passion for life that can only ever sit on top of the depths of despair, that anything in between has felt banal and empty.

I shared coffee, connection and love with Anne-Marie who lost her daughter to a dalliance with drugs just 6 months ago and then spent the evening in a recovery from addiction community in Oxford. Entering the community was an honour and a privilege and even though I myself have experienced the awakening that is early recovery (albeit over two decades ago), it is a humbling energy to be in.

This picture is part of a collection on the wall, a collection of pictures using multi media that portrays the journey of recovery. This, Digging Deep, is the essence of the part of early recovery that is the crux of how far down the road you can actually go. Self-honesty; the unavoidable messy reality of whatever it is that makes me and you who we are....

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