Double Trouble Day.

Today was a two-fer day for some reason...

These two (Fred and Ethel) were on the feeder together for ages. I've never seen a red squirrel tolerate company before! I knew these two were familiar with each other as they've been in the same general area together without a war breaking out, but today they ate together! Fred even defended the feeder as Ethel ate... So chivalrous. (BTW, Fred is Ethel and Ethel is Fred... I had the sexes wrong... my apologies to the couple.)

Then the bluejays started popping in two by two. Well, not really, they weren't working together like the squirrel couple, more like defending their food from each other. Typical jay behavior, but it was a non-stop show for a while there. This juvenile was trying his best to stand up to the older bully... isn't he cute? And I liked the ominous flying jay in this one.

I spent forever trying to decide which to blip tonight... I still haven't really made up my mind. If only one of them had been a crystal clear shot, but no such luck today. :( Just picked these to show you because they were all a bit interesting.

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