Gravity: crushed by the weight of expectation

Straight after work tonight I met Mr hazelh at the cinema to see Gravity. This projector is on display in the cinema lobby.

Mr hazelh and I agreed that our trip to the cinema was a waste of time and money. I really can't understand what all the fuss is about Gravity: to me the film was incredibly
b - o -r - i - n g.

I've just realised that I felt exactly the same about Skyfall. The clue must be in the name...

Other activities today: 3 meetings; a PhD supervision; an honours project supervision; and two hours preparing for next week's exam boards, plus a smattering of e-mail for good measure.

Exercise: <drum roll>New PB on the morning loops: 28'08"</drum roll>, then sit-ups. I also walked to work, and walked half way home (1.5 hours).

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