Smoky Douglas

And so the time has come to extend my Apple merchandise range! I have been talking about getting a new iPad to anyone that will listen for a couple of weeks now. It became a case really not of if I was getting one, but what type and where from.

I ordered the new iPad mini with retina display and A7 chip yesterday from John Lewis and I picked it up today. I think I could have got it slightly cheaper from another store - I think ASDA were offering a £20 discount, but John Lewis were offering an extended 3 year warranty and I decided that was probably worth it's weight in gold. Especially as my iPhone developed a fault 13 months in (and crucially just out of warranty).

So far I have played a little, managed to sync it to my iPhone and iTunes and that's about all so far. I'm uploading my blip from the iPad to get used to typing on it and I have to say, it's pretty great. I'm going to look uber sexy when I whip it out at meetings from now on!

I have affectionately named him (he's clearly a boy iPad) Smoky Douglas, if anyone can figure out why, I might even let them touch him - but I doubt that'll happen, it's based on rather tenuous connections in my own head. I'm not sure anyone needs that much insight into my head!

In other news, I also put the first coat of paint on my living room wall tonight. I'm not going to lie, it doesn't look great - but I'm hoping that'll improve with a few more coats - it's looking a tad patchy!

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