By the Quayside

I decided that after my terrible run last night, I would make an effort to go for a good run tonight. I'm usually at running club on a Wednesday night, but it's the AGM and I didn't feel like sitting around talking about running, so I did my own session.

I went straight from work, which I think might be the way forward for me just now. I have to get home, so why not just run as my commute instead. I used to run home from work when I worked at the Gyle, but now I'm only 1.5 miles away from work now it seemed a little short. I ran 6 miles in a very circuitous route and I'm only back half an hour later that I usually am when walking - so it's clearly a winner.

My run took me past the back of Victoria Quay; a Scottish Government building in Leith. It was looking all pretty with its lights reflected in the water. Apparently the building was designed by Robert Matthew Johnson Marshall, and officially opened on Monday 1 July 1996.

In other news, I'm feeling much better than yesterday and Wesley continues to improve!

Today's run: 6 miles (+1 from yesterday that was too pitiful to justify an individual mileage entry) = 7
January running mileage: 30 miles

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